martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

Kristina D. Cvetich, Sesión 12

Sautú, R. (2005) Todo es Teoría: Objetos y Métodos de Investigación. Buenos Aires: Lumier. Pp. 95-151.

Kristina D. Cvetich, Sesión 12
This reading focuses on the role of theory within ones investigation. It plays a role In all parts of the research process;  from the objective of ones investigation to the research method one chooses. It effects each stage of research and the decisions one makes in terms of carrying out their research. Methods respond to the objectives of investigation and the theories that support them, the results of the investigation support, refute and modify the theory used. This is how theory lives on and thus theory is, according to the author, the nucleus of the investigation.

Understanding the importance of theory to investigation is essential to academic research in IR. Realizing that theory is the center of research is important for understanding the research process.

In thesis development, this concept is useful in that it allows for further formulation of ones objective and project in general- through focusing on a theory.

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