martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

Kristina D. Cvetich, Sesión 13

Rosenau, J. (2006) The Study of World Politics (Vol.I). London: Routledge. Pp. 5-46. 

The thesis of the author is that the underpinnings of world politics have changed which means that a new world order has formed. The order that has formed is an empirical order that can continue to change in desirable or undesirable ways.  In this order exist new ideational constructs which value autonomy and interdependence.
It is important in academic research of IR to understand that there does exist a new world order, even though on the outer surface it may seem there does not. In order to analyze in depth the ongoings  of today’s international relations, one must have an understanding of how the international realm functions.
The discussion of the dynamics of globalization on world order is relevant to the development of my thesis thesis since I  plan to analyze such affects on a specific collective group.

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